About MST

Manchester School of Technology was opened in September of 1982 as "Manchester Skill Center". It is one of twenty-two regional Career and Technical Centers in the state offering 2- and 3-year CTE programs to sophomores, juniors, and seniors from Manchester, Bedford, Goffstown, Londonderry, and other surrounding towns. Students who attend the MST CTE Center generally come for one 100-minute block each day and are at their traditional high school for the remainder of the school day. Some of our programs require a 2-block commitment.

In 2012, MST-HS opened its doors to a group of freshmen who wanted an alternative to the traditional high school approach to learning. MST-HS uses competency-based education providing rigorous academics in combination with career and technical education (CTE) classes. All grading at MST-HS is competency based, meaning students do not receive the traditional A-F grade, but rather are assessed based on their understanding of each competency. "Grades" at MST-HS are done on a 1-4 scale, where students begin at a 1 (not yet proficient) and move towards proficiency throughout the year. Students are able to progress at their own pace, which allows for extra time for students who are struggling with concepts and advanced learning for those who move faster through the material. MST-HS also focuses on project-based and interdisciplinary learning through enrollment in CTE programs. All students at MST-HS have access to Chromebooks during the school day.

It is the policy of the Manchester Board of School Committee, in its actions, and those of its employees, that there shall be no discrimination on the basis of age, sex, race, color, marital status, physical or mental disability, religious creed, national origin or sexual orientation for employment in, or operation and administration of any program or activity in the Manchester School District.